Scheduled for February 14, 2021
3:00 pm MST
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Meeting ID: 871 6385 5085
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Agenda for the
Annual Business Meeting of the Idaho Chess Association
February 14, 2021
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Online Zoom Meeting
Link: Constitution
Voting members attending meeting:
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
Adam Porth, Idaho Chess Association (ICA) President, called the meeting to order at .
Reading of Mission and Values: The mission of the Idaho Chess Association is to provide organized chess play, coordinate chess activities within the state, support and develop local chess clubs, encourage player development, and to enhance appreciation of chess. The Idaho Chess Association values fair play and good sportsmanship, education through sharing and teaching, chess players with diverse abilities and skills, creating a variety of chess activities and opportunities, decisions using sound logic and forethought, and continued growth and learning through chess.
Approval of Minutes
Motion 2021-1 (_____________________): motion to waive minutes of 2020
2nd (____________________________)
Presidents Report: Adam Porth presents
23 Events (628) 5 fewer events
6 Scholastic Events (players 394) 3 fewer events
72 players qualified for State
I want to honor those that worked hard and admire the diversity of winners:
Idaho Representatives:
Rockafeller Kaustubh Kodahalli
Barber: James Wei
Denker: Jacob Nathan
Senior: Michael Presutti
State Champion: Jacob Nathan
Open Champion: James Wei
State Blitz Champion: Caleb Kircher
EIO Kaustubh Kodahalli
SIO James Wei
Norman Friedman Memorial Arun Dixit
WIO Forrest Zeng
NIO James Wei
Player’s Memorial Seth Machakos and Peter Olstoy
Summer Classic Forrest Zeng
Membership Report: Adam Porth
Membership is currently 55
Premium memberships 18
Membership is down by 41 members!
Current Fee Structure and President’s Budget Report: Adam Porth
ICA Regular Membership for all $15.00/year (37)
Titled tournaments require (Blitz Championship, Idaho Closed, Idaho Open)
$5 Discount to all tournaments (if pre-registered) and others as posted.
ICA Premium Membership $35/year (18)
Discount to titled tournaments (if pre-registered) and others as posted.
Northwest Chess Magazine
Treasurer's Report: Adam Porth
Thank donors (check with Alise)
Joyce Friedman
Adam Porth
Marc Friedman
Anonymous donor $100
Any others?
We switched from Idaho Credit Union to USBank in July.
Balance as of 12/14/2021: $2808.23
Old Business: Adam Porth
Find pgn player that can be used with our website (ChessBase Viewer)
Compile items need accomplished yearly
Obtain ICA membership perks
New Business:
Discussion When do we open?
When is it covid safe?
Tournament Discussions:
Location of 2020
Summer Classic
Player’s Memorial
Hall of Fame
Idaho Closed
Idaho Open
State Scholastic K-8
State Scholastic 9-12
Women’s and Girls State Tournament
Senior Tournament
Scholastic Team Tournament
Blitz Championship
Scholastic Team Championship
Motion 2019-2 (Adam Porth): Announce candidates for 2021-2023 Officers: (Adam Porth - President, Jeff Roland - Vice President, None - Treasurer, None - Secretary)
2021 Regional Trustees (next cycle is 2022):
East Jay Simonson
South Central Barry Eacker
West Alise Pemsler
North Adam Porth
Board Appointments:
Membership Coordinator - none
Online Coordinator - none (Jef resigned)
Social Media Coordinator none
Historian Jeff Roland
Games Editor Jeff Roland & Adam
Goals for 2021?
Motions from the Floor: