Agenda for the
Annual Business Meeting of the Idaho Chess Association
February 19, 2023
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Link: Constitution
Voting members attending meeting:
Desmond Porth
Adam Porth
Jeff Roland
Jay Simonson
Michael Presutti
Corey Longhurst
Non-voting members present
Dan Looney
Tilly Backstrom
Kyra Dorman
Kyra Schoenwald
Zackary Semancik
Eric Hon
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
Adam Porth, Idaho Chess Association (ICA) President, called the meeting to order at __3 pm_ .
Reading of Mission and Values: The mission of the Idaho Chess Association is to provide organized chess play, coordinate chess activities within the state, support and develop local chess clubs, encourage player development, and to enhance appreciation of chess. The Idaho Chess Association values fair play and good sportsmanship, education through sharing and teaching, chess players with diverse abilities and skills, creating a variety of chess activities and opportunities, decisions using sound logic and forethought, and continued growth and learning through chess.
Approval of Minutes 2022 Minutes
Motion 2023-1 (___Jay Simonson___): motion to waive minutes of 2022
2nd (__Michael Presutti______)
motion passes unanimously.
Motion 2023-1a (Jay Simonson) Motion to approve minutes of 2022.
2nd Michael Persutti
motion passes unanimously.
Presidents Report: Adam Porth presents
43 Events (898) 9 more events
12 Scholastic Events (517)
I want to honor those that worked hard and admire the diversity of winners: Champions
Idaho Representatives:
Rockafeller Vladilav Nosarev
Barber: Kaustubh Kodihalli
Denker: Niall McKenzie
Senior: Michael Presutti
Haring: Olivia Ding
Hall of Fame: none
State Champion: Kaustubh Kodihalli
Open Champion: James Wei
State Blitz Champion: Caleb Kircher
EIO Jeremy Thomas
SIO Cody Gorman
Norman Friedman Memorial NM Jasen Cigan, Ryan Ackerman, Brian Lee
WIO none
NIO Caleb Kircher
Membership Report: Adam Porth
Membership is currently 96 (1/15/2023)
Premium memberships 67 (1/15/2023)
Current Fee Structure and President’s Budget Report: Adam Porth
ICA Regular Membership for all $17.00/year
Discussion to make it $20 per year for new members and $15 /year to renew (effective March 31,2023)
Titled tournaments require (Blitz Championship, Idaho Closed, Idaho Open)
$5 Discount to all tournaments (if pre-registered) and others as posted.
ICA Premium Membership $35/year
Discount to titled tournaments (if pre-registered) and others as posted.
Northwest Chess Magazine
Tournament fees:
$20 for members
$25 for non-ica members
$20 Scholastic
$25 Scholastic State
$35 Idaho Closed (ICA membership)
$35 Idaho Open (ICA membership or OSA)
Treasurer's Report: Adam Porth
Thank 18 donors
1/15/2023 Balance
US Bank Balance on 1/15/2023 $2337
Outstanding: $1000 Northwest Chess
Petty Cash 1/15/2023 $247 + what Jeff has
2022 Deposits US Bank $15043.80
2022 Withdrawals US Bank $16555.84
Old Business: Adam Porth
New Business:
Motion 2023-2 (__Jay Simonson__): The Idaho Chess Association recognizes the importance of our seniors and their contributions to society and chess. Therefore, the Idaho Chess Association amends the constitution to provide free regular membership in the ICA and also free membership to all chess tournaments. ICA defines seniors as 80 and older.
2nd (___Desmond Porth__)
Motion 2023-2a Jeff Roland moves to amend motion from 80 to 65 years.
Jay Simonson 2nd.
motion passes unanimously.
main motion passes unanimously.
Tournament Discussions:
Rotate Idaho Closed?
Discussion to rotate. Consensus to try Idaho Closed in Twin Falls next year.
Rotate Idaho Open? no
Motion 2023-3 (__Jay Simonson___): Announce candidates for 2023-2025 Officers (President: Adam Porth, Vice President: Jeff Roland, Secretary: Desmond Porth, Treasurer: None)
2nd ( __Desmond Porth___)
motion passes unanimously
Motion 2023-3a (Jay Simonson ) Motion to accept slate as slates without secret ballots.
2nd (Michael Persutti)
Motion passes unanimously.
Motion 2023b (Zachary Semancik) Make Eric Hon Treasurer of the ICA.
2nd (Jay Simonson)
Motion passes unanimously.
Membership Coordinator - Kyra Schoenwald stepped up to work with the ICA!
Scholastic & Education Coordinator - Tilly Backstrom and Zachary Semancik stepped up to Co-coordinate!
Women’s Coordinator - Kyra Dorman enthusiastically volunteered!
Thank you for helping make the ICA a premier organization.
Motions from the Floor:
Motion 2023-4 (__Jay Simonson__) Move to adjourn. @ 4:03 pm
2nd (__Zachary Semancik_)