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  • Writer's pictureAdam Porth

Updated 3/7/2022 Scholastic State Qualifier List Released

The Scholastic season started this past weekend and players are starting to qualify for the State Scholastic Chess Championship scheduled on March 26 at the Riverside Hotel in Boise. Each player will receive a personal invitation and a registration invitation.

To qualify for the state championship, players must score 3.0 or higher in one the regional scholastic tournaments (East Jan. 29, West Feb. 5, South Central Feb. 12, or North March 5). Or, they score either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in their grade. Or, seniors automatically earn a birth into the championship. If you are unable to make one of those tournaments, their are alternative means to qualify, such as playing in the Idaho Closed on Feb. 18-21.

Congratulations to all those that qualified!

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