Below please find the most up-to-date list of registered players. It's sorted by username to make it easy for players to identify their opponents and other players.
Please get a hold of me ASAP using messaging if you're not on the list but you think you should be. I still have registrants that haven't joined the team and players that have sent join-requests that haven't registered and a few other issues. We have 27 players at this point. I would like even more so, even though registration technically closed, I will still try to accommodate everyone!
Players can join the tournament one hour before the start time of 10am, Saturday, August 1. Please join early and make sure everything is working. I really want to avoid being bombarded by questions at 9:55am!
Now for those of you that haven't heard...
This year, the tournament will be hosted on on Saturday, August 1 at 10am. The format will be 4SS G/30; d0. The Players' Memorial will not be US Chess rated, but will be rated. It's 100% free and open to all Pacific Northwest players. Here's the link to the registration form if you haven't completed it already. All the details can be found with the registration form.