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  • Jeff Roland

BCC #13

Dear chess player/enthusiast,

The Boise Chess Club is holding a US Chess rated tournament on Saturday, April 29, 2016 at All About Games on Overland Road in Boise. The tournament is called "Boise Chess Club #13" and picks up where we left off after the Boise Chess Club #12 from December 5, 2015. Please see the attached flyer for all the details.

But to highlight a few key points, entry is free and no memberships are needed to join, except you do need to have a current US Chess Federation membership since the event will be rated. It's easiest on the TD if you already have this membership done online before the event, however, we can also take US Chess memberships at the event.

Donations are accepted to help with a couple expenses we had this year, $40 US Chess annual affiliation dues and $25 for TA in Northwest Chess magazine + $1.00/player to qualify the event to count as a Northwest Chess Grand Prix Event. But donations are not required, just gladly accepted to cover those costs if possible. We normally don't even ask for donations. The TD is working for free, and we have no overhead, but just those few expenses shown above. Please bring sets and clocks if you have them. If not, and you still want to play, please come, as we can probably come up with equipment from other players.

I will be directing this tournament. Since I don't have access to a laptop computer, I will be running the tournament by using pairing cards and paper, the way things were done back in the days before computer! The way Dick Vandenburg used to do it!! :) It will be fun, you'll love it! And even at the Seattle Chess Club, they still use pairing cards and paper, even with events run in 2017! Anyway, I hope you can make it and enjoy a fun chess tournament.

P.S. the event is also posted on the Northwest Chess website TA page:

Apr 29 Boise Chess Club #13, Boise, ID. All About Games, 7079 W. Overland Rd., Boise, ID 83709. This is the first-ever Northwest Chess Grand Prix event for the BCC! 4SS, US Chess Rated, Game/30 + 30 second time increment per move. Jeffrey Roland will be Chief TD. Please register by e-mailing Email pre-registration is appreciated to speed up registration. Doors open at 9:00 a.m. Registration will be from 9-9:30 a.m. First round "should"/"could"/probably will start promptly at 9:30 a.m. Those coming late will get a first-round bye. One-hour for lunch taken after round 2. Estimated time for end of tournament is 6:00 p.m. Entry is Free!

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