Boise Chess Club hosts simuls, tournaments, and much more. (photo: Jim Berezow)
The Boise Chess Club was revived in January of 2014. The founding members were Jarod Buus, Jeff Roland, Peter Olsoy, Katie Sorenson, and Jamie Lang. Since that date, the club has had many USCF-rated tournaments that are free for players to attend. The typical format of these tournaments are 4-round Swiss, with Game/30 plus a 30-second time increment per move. The club meets weekly on Monday afternoons/evenings at All About Games on Overland Road in Boise. Currently, Jamie Lang is President and Secretary of the club, and Jeff Roland is Vice President and Treasurer.
We would like to feature news and club information here on our blog to spread the wealth of Idaho chess news that exists in our state. Please submit articles, results, club information, dates, and more so that we can continue to foster chess in every corner of the state.