I have been working with the US Chess Education Committee and they began an initiative in January a program to assist educators. Here is their website: https://new.uschess.org/chess-education . For resources, check here: https://new.uschess.org/resources-chess-educators.
In addition, they are hosting webinars that are free for the public including one this Sunday, January 26. Nearly 50 educators from around the country are anticipated. Next month, I will be hosting the "Teaching High School Chess" and NM Bryan Tillis will be hosting the "Teaching Middle School Chess."
January 29, 2023, 8 PM ET
Building a Vibrant Chess Community: Learning from Impact Coaching Network
In only a few short years, Impact Coaching Network led By Russ Makofsky has developed a remarkable group of schools with vibrant chess cultures. In this webinar, we will meet Russ and members of his staff to learn about his approach to chess education and learn some of the critical elements he has implemented to build communities of chess in New York City across a group of twenty schools. Some topics to be discussed include:
How to retain members of chess clubs in the elementary school
What are the keys to developing chess talent
How to convince school leaders that chess is important
Register to attend