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  • Writer's pictureJef Leifeste/TofuNightmare

James Wei Victorious in The Idaho Open

I know this is getting to sound a bit repetitive. James Wei won another tournament. But this time he didn't win just any tournament. On Saturday, September 12th, James got a clean first place in The Idaho Open with 4.5 points. Great job! Congratulations also to Jeremy Fugal for taking second place and Forrest Zeng in third, both with four points. It should be noted that Jeremy and Forrest also make frequent appearances on the podium.

The Open attracted 18 players from four states. Idaho, Oregon, Washington and West Virginia were represented. The Open was a US Chess rated, five round, Swiss event with 45 minute time control. Every round consumed nearly the entire one and a half hours. The Open was also the first time Idaho Chess required the used cameras and ZOOM to help ensure fair play. This was some serious chess!

Check back here soon because Idaho Chess will be announcing more online tournaments - rated and unrated.

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