Updated 2/2/2019
Agenda for the
Annual Business Meeting of the Idaho Chess Association
February 17, 2019
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Hampton Inn, 1658 Fillmore Street, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301
Voting members attending meeting:
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
Adam Porth, Idaho Chess Association (ICA) President, called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM.
Reading of Mission and Values: The mission of the Idaho Chess Association is to provide organized chess play, coordinate chess activities within the state, support and develop local chess clubs, encourage player development, and to enhance appreciation of chess. The Idaho Chess Association values fair play and good sportsmanship, education through sharing and teaching, chess players with diverse abilities and skills, creating a variety of chess activities and opportunities, decisions using sound logic and forethought, and continued growth and learning through chess.
Approval of Minutes
Motion 2019-1 (Adam Porth and Alise Pemsler): We approve the minutes of 2018.
Presidents Report: Adam Porth
501c3 status!!! with Alise Pemsler and Amber Myrick
Won national award for membership increase.
Alpha Rocky Mountain Rating Program - Desmond Porth
28 Events (693 players 2018, 419 (21) players in 2017)
8 Scholastic Events (players 470)
Tournament size is relatively stable (2 significant increases where tournament doubled in size - SIO and NFM)
Added Senior, Ladies, NIO, NRST, Solstice in the North, Friday Blitz tournaments, Pawn Storm and 3 free tournaments
Online payments (Eventbrite)
74 + players qualified for State - 3.0 points or more, 12th graders, 1-3rd place in Scholastic Events, attended 2 regular tournaments, or Idaho Closed)
Secretary position proved to be a huge asset (sending thank yous, meetings, etc.)
Mission realized
Donated 5 Boards to veterans and 15 boards to scholastic players
Helped 3 chess clubs get organized and supported (Boise Family Chess Program)
Improved Tournament Calendar and Club Calendar
Scholarshipped more than 20 people with free tournament entry and/or ICA Membership.
Maintained presence at Snake River Penitentiary (25 players benefited from tournament last January, donated magazines and dvds)
Discussion: We are looking for a new representative to run the chess program at Snake River Penitentiary.
Assets added:
4 changeable signs
4 clear plastic sign holders
SwissSys Pairing Program
DGT Clock
DGT ChessBoard
Developing relationships the Riverside Hotel (Boise), Holiday Inn Express/Hampton Inn (Twin Falls), Ceour d’Alene Chess Club, Inland Chess Academy (Spokane), Discount Mugs.
I want to honor those that worked hard and admire the diversity of winners:
Idaho Representatives:
Barber: Kevin Xu,
SP: Dylan Porth,
Girl’s: Dylan Porth,
Denker: Michael Duan
Senior: Michael Presutti
State Champion: Alex Machin
State Scholastic Champion: Forrest Zeng
Open Champion: Michael Abron
State Blitz Champion: Kevin Xu
EIO Josep Companyo and William Aepli
SIO Cody Gorman and Josep Companyo
Norman Friedman Memorial Josep Companyo
WIO Alex Machin
NIO Kenneth Erickson
Player’s Memorial Chris Pentico
Summer Classic DeWayne Derryberry
Hall of Fame Zachary Fritchen
Senior Open Hans Morrow
Woman’s Champion Ellen Baumann
2018 Hall of Fame Inductees: David Lucky (anyone have his address??)
Fee Structure Report: Adam Porth
All tournaments $30 (discount for pre-registration) and scholastic tournaments $15 (discount for pre-registration)
ICA Membership for all $15.00/year (no magazine, titled tournaments only)
All tournaments except (Blitz, Closed, and Open).
Drops to $10.00/year in 2020.
Membership Report: Adam Porth
Membership is currently 105, but at one point had a record 145 members.
Membership is stable but expected to go down as folks won’t need membership to play.
Treasurer's Report: Jay Simonson
Old Business: Adam Porth
Introduce Regional Championship via online
Never addressed
501c3 status obtained in December
Substantiation Letters
Tax-exempt status
List of donors and sponsors kept by Treasurer
Form 990-EZ
Lawyer support: Amber Myrick
New Business:
Constitutional Motion 2019-1 (Barry Eacker): All annual memberships expire on Friday before the Idaho Closed and must be renewed before allowed to play in the current year. (replaces All annual memberships shall expire on the last day of the month one year from the date the membership was paid. Article II, Section 1).
Constitutional Motion 2019-2 (Adam Porth): President must submit a budget for upcoming year for Board approval at Annual Business Meeting. If budget not approved by majority of the Board then must be re-submitted to Board each month until acceptable by majority of Board.
Tournament Discussions:
Location of 2019
Summer Classic
Player’s Memorial
Hall of Fame
Location of 2020
Idaho Closed
Idaho Open
State Scholastic K-8
State Scholastic 9-12
Women’s and Girls State Tournament
Senior Tournament
Scholastic Team Tournament
Blitz Championship
Prizes for $ tournaments changed to Top 3, Class B, C, D, E, F, UNR
US Chess Delegate nominations (need two):
Constitutional Changes accepted by Board Approval Method on 1/13/2019 with 5 Yes, 1 Abstentions
Quorum and Meetings
Stream-lined Bylaws and Constitution
Grammar policed by Jay
Official publication was edited out
VP and Treasurer duties added
Motion 2019-3 (Adam Porth and Jay Simonson): The current Regional Trustees (North - Adam Porth, East - Jay Simonson, South Central - Barry Eacker, West - Jeff Roland) should be confirmed until next election cycle in 2020 for Regional Trustees.
Announced Candidates for 2019 Election (next cycle is 2021):
President Adam Porth
Vice President (none)
Secretary Alise Pemsler
Treasurer Jay Simonson
Staff Needed
Social Media Coordinator
Games editors
Educational Coordinator
Goals for 2019
Program to calculate Rocky Mountain Rating
Solicit donors and sponsors for tournaments
Enhance scholastic and school outreach in each region
Solicit more participation in organization and tournaments
Find pgn player that can be used with our website
Investigate incidentals and overhead.
Compile items need accomplished yearly
Obtain ICA membership perks
Motions from the Floor: