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Adam Porth

ICA Makeover

We are "fighting for chess" and will make the ICA "Great Again!" and "Stronger Together!"

Here is an excerpt from

Donald Trump, Republican

What is your chess rating?

TRUMP: A little bit higher than yours. No, a lot higher than yours. What is yours?

How has chess influenced your strategy in life and in this election?

TRUMP: I’m a pawn guy, mostly. I mean, I’m the king, but I like the pawns. More bluntly: Me equals king, Americans equal pawns. That’s my strategy.

What is your favorite chess opening?

TRUMP: I like to build a huge pawn wall in the center and then really make my opponent pay for it. So, the four-pawn attack against most anything, especially against the Mexican defense.

What message do you want to send to American chess players and voters?

TRUMP: I know moves, I have the best moves. People are telling me, I’ve heard, that Crooked Hillary has some moves too. Not true!

Hilary Clinton, Democrat

What is your chess rating?

CLINTON: Unfortunately all of my chess records have gone missing, so I do not know and cannot be forced to answer.

How has chess influenced your strategy in life and in this election?

CLINTON: I envision myself as the queen. All powerful, but wanting to help the other pieces so that they can help me. Can you cut out that last part?

What is your favorite chess opening?

CLINTON: What’s the one where it’s unsound but you prepare a lot ahead of time with some really sneaky lines to catch the other person off guard because they aren’t expecting it, but if they actually knew what I was doing I would be in trouble? The Fried Liver Attack? Yes! That one!

What message do you want to send to American chess players and voters?

CLINTON: I believe the primary role of the government is to teach, train, and raise chess players. Parents have a secondary role.

Whomever you vote for, get out and vote!

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